Impact of Domestic Abuse

Everyone knows that experiencing domestic abuse is bad for health, but many don’t realize just how far the negative consequences can reach. Sometimes, when someone experiences abuse, they may feel that aspects of their life are falling apart and it’s their fault. In reality, abuse can impact you in areas far outside of the home, including work, friends, and even online. Below are just some examples of the consequences of domestic abuse.

Did you Know Domestic Abuse can Negatively Impact all These Areas?



-Chronic physical stress

-Weakened immunity


-Depression and shame

-Fear and anxiety

-Chronic psychological stress




-Loss of important relationships


-Custody Disputes

-Worry for one’s child(ren)

-Difficulty in fulfilling parental obligations


-Restricted access to finances

-Loss of financial security

-Exhausting savings on legal (or other) support


-Medical time off work

-Forced to leave job

-Suffering quality of work


-Wrongful charges pressed by an abusive partner

-Fear of prosecution for leaving (taking kids)

-Criminal charges for forced involvement in unlawful activity


-Digital ostracization

-Deleted/hijacked social media accounts

-Restricted access to internet

You Don't Need to Suffer Alone

If you or your loved on needs help, please go to Women’s Aid’s database to find a service near you.