Our Infographics

Below are infographics we have created to be downloaded and shared. You can open them in your browser below. From there, you can interact with animations, download the infographics and PDFs, and share them on social media or print them off.

This infographic explains some of the different types of abuse and the spectrums that abuse exist on.

This infographic shows statistics about domestic violence in the UK and discuses some of the challenges of researching domestic violence.

This infographic clarifies the definitions of violence, aggression, and abuse.

This infographic shows the lifecycle of child maltreatment.

This infographic explains adverse childhood experiences and the factors that protect kids from harm when they experience stress.

This infographic explains shows some of the many ways Domestic Abuse can negatively impact a person’s health and wellbeing.

This infographic describes some common factors that indicate an increased likelihood for experiencing future Domestic Abuse, and introduces how minoritized groups are at a heightened risk of experiencing abuse due to intersections between minority status and other risk factors.

This infographic describes some barriers that prevent people from accessing services for Domestic Abuse. It also discusses some way that healthcare services and community Domestic Abuse services can improve the end-user experience for people suffering Abuse.